This map shows areas where development is restricted or limited. While there appears to be open space, much of it is not available for urban development.
Non-coloured areas are where development may be permitted, subject to local regulations and environmental considerations.
This map displays the location of public and private parking lots in Langley. Blue areas represent public parking lots, while teal areas represent private parking lots.
Parking lots are a significant form of land use in urban areas. This visualization helps identify the distribution and extent of land dedicated to parking, which can inform discussions about urban planning and land use efficiency.
Data Source:
- Parking lot data: OpenStreetMap
This map was created using our custom Parking Lot mapping tool.
This map shows the taxable value per acre for properties in the Township of Langley. Higher values (red) indicate areas that generate more tax revenue per acre, while lower values (blue) generate less.
This visualization helps identify areas of high and low economic productivity in terms of municipal tax generation.
Data Sources:
- 2024 Property Assessments, Parcel Data and Tax Rates.
This map was created using our custom Value-per-Acre mapping tool.
Crown Land
This area is designated as Crown Land which is administered by the provincial Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.
Crown Land makes up approximately 94% of British Columbia's land base, covering diverse landscapes from forests and mountains to coastlines and grasslands.
Data Sources:
- Crown Land data: Crown Land Map (special thanks to Matthieu Hughes for sharing his dataset)
Outside Urban Containment Boundary
This area is within the Metro Vancouver administrative region, but outside the permitted urban containment boundary which is administered by Metro Vancouver board.
While housing can technically be built here, it cannot receive Metro Vancouver sewer services, which generally limits density to single family houses on a septic system.
Data Source:
- Urban Containment Boundary: Metro Vancouver Regional District Open Data Portal
Agricultural Land Reserve
This area is designated Agricultural Land Reserve which is administered by the provincial Agricultural Land Commission.
The Fraser Valley and other areas in BC have incredibly fertile farm land combined with a temperate climate, and as such the ALR was introduced in the 1970s to prevent this farmland being lost to urban sprawl.
Data Source:
- Agricultural Land Reserve boundaries: BC Agricultural Land Commission